1* Star Trainer

Prerequisites of participation
- Must hold a Three or Four Star Diver certificate
- Must be at least 18 years old

The 1* Star Trainer candidate should have a basic understanding of:
- The principles of teaching
- The learning process
- Educational methods suitable for recreational diving
- Equipment used for teaching diving
- Be able to control and lead a group of students in restricted waters
- Be able to teach a group of students in restricted waters
- Be able to teach the content of school Diver One Star at a group of students in a classroom, on the surface and in the open sea
- Be able to communicate effectively, continuously with students
- In "continuous assessment” system the above knowledge and skills will be assessed during the school and the degree will only awarded if the candidate instructor is appraised to have reached the controlled level.
- If the "testing" system is used then the final assessment should verify the trainer's ability to perform the following in diving conditions in controlled waters.
- Demonstrate the ability to control and lead a group of students in a dive in controlled waters.
- Demonstrate the ability to teach a group of students in basic diving techniques in controlled waters.
- Demonstrate familiarity with the contents of the school Diver One Star and the ability to teach a group of students in a classroom, on and offshore.
- Demonstrate the ability to constantly communicate effectively with students.